Coaching is a very productive, rewarding, and effective way to achieve your goals. The coach asks questions, you have the answers and the solutions yourself (though from the beginning you may not think so!). The coach has full confidence that you can hit where you want and have the best eyes. A coach is your biggest supporter and sees ”Play BIG” in your grandeur. Therapy, monitoring, or counseling are not coaching. The outcomes are often assured by finding the responses and approaches ideally suited to you. You grow, you find inspiration and you get new insights and experiences of ”aha”. In every aspect of your professional or/and personal life, your duty is’ willpower’ to want a change/development, but still be willing to do what it takes to get there.
Emotional Intelligence coaching
is one approach I use in sessions and tasks, among others. Inside EQ, I have a passion and innovative abilities that I have found very useful throughout my professional life; EQ-coaching implies that the coach can observe his/her client during the coaching session and direct the client through his/her five-six senses. Sight (eyes), odor (nose), taste (tongue), sound (ears), touch (skin), mind, and balance are our senses.
To become more present, conscious, and linked to one’s inner-self (intuition, mind, inner-compass, soul) and true self.
The knowledge of breathing has been an ancient and most powerful way to connect across the ages. It is one of the most valuable practices we’ve seen in research to grow and interconnect inner-leadership with outer-leadership. I have seen this for years now in all my client sessions.
Breathing is a method
Which I use everywhere I go in all of my activities. Speaking, conducting a workshop or session, including when I teach students. Why? Because, when I do the breathtaking exercise, the attention of the attendee is at that moment here and now. In my activity, they are present both mentally and physically.
They will be responsive and willing to take on what is planned and not to concentrate outside of the activity on a separate mission, call, or project. I don’t want to waste the time of the participants or my time. To live for the moment, build value-adding actions, and every breath is too precious.
This is highly crucial when you are involved in a conference, running a project, leading a team, and multitasking in the company. Your mind is still a step ahead of you and beyond the moment.
Ask yourself, when did you stop for a second and notice your breath the last time? Did you look around you and just see yourself, your surroundings, and their relationships with you? How have you behaved? How did you connect and what? What movements are you performing? How have your peers, staff, and friends acted? What have you responded to? Do you, mentally or physically, govern your reactions? Do you experience tranquility? Right now, where are your thoughts?
”- it is so simple and no rocket science but so hard to do it on your own” my client’s report.
My clients continue to express how their awareness of their breathing has had a positive effect on their sleep, everyday awareness of all relationships, and intimate and external contact. This was just a few weeks after they had done a couple of perception and presence exercises with me. ”it is so simple and no rocket science but so hard to do it on your own” Customers have also shared how surprised they are about being outside themselves, their bodies, and how much they have missed their atmosphere and relationships with peers, workers, families, and friends. And how easy life can be, but mostly how fun it can be and how not to force or pressure it. There is so much to value and to be thankful for.
”- Coaching has been a way to see clarity,” said another client.
I have seen leaders who can suddenly see the simplest action or plan to take. And they’re taking steps against it. It was there all the time, in front of their eyes, but because of all the never-ending chasing and running, both mentally and physically, they were too distracted to see it before.
Now, in the knowledge of your breath, it only took 5 precious, worthy minutes of reflection and silence. In centered therapy, coaching/mentor-coaching C-level managers, CEOs, and business leaders, I have about 6 years of data. More about my background, study, and certifications can be read here.
See you soon in one of my sessions!!
Written by
Leyla Avzel