Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching is a very rewarding and powerful method of achieving your goals.




(60 minutes per session)
It can either be through a leadership program, talented future leaders or a separate program.


(45 minutes per session)
It can either be through a leadership program, talented future leaders or a separate program.


(60 minutes per session)
Can either be a team, team leaders or an executive group.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

I have a passion and groundbreaking skills within EQ, which have been very useful during my professional life.
EQ-coaching means that the coach will, during the coaching session, observe his/her client and guide the client through their five-six senses.
To become more present, aware and connected to your inner-self (intuition, mind,
inner-compass, soul) and true self!

Using your breath as a tool

The art of being truly present both mentally and physically
I use breathing as a tool in all my activities wherever I go, even when teaching students or conducting a workshop or session. Why? Because, when I do the breathtaking exercise, the attendee’s attention is here and now at that moment. They are present both mentally and physically with my activity.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you stopped for a second and noticed your breath? Did
you look around and observe yourself, did you observe your environment and its interaction
with you? How did you behave? How did you communicate? What gestures do you do? How
did your colleagues, employees, and friends act? What did you react to? Do you control your
reactions, emotionally or physically? Can you feel stillness? Where are your thoughts right

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